Learn more about WHT & PL Cares
Explore this website for more information about the PL Cares program and partnering with WHT to increase engagement with care at your site.
Interested in learning more about WHT and PL Cares?
Book a call to talk with WHT team and get answers to your questions.
Wondering about the PL Cares Member app? This video gives a quick overview of what it is, who it is for, and how it is used.
Want to learn more about partnering with WHT? This video gives details about the PL Cares program for sites that might be interested in providing it.
Interested in learning more about how PL Cares works? PL Cares provides tailored tools for Members and Site Care Teams. The primary goal of PL Cares is to improve engagement with care by providing self-management tools, building skills, lowering barriers to care coordination, and facilitating peer support. Check out this graphic for the big picture.
Warm Health Technology
722 Preston Avenue, Suite 108
Charlottesville, VA 22903