Presentation of a Partner Implementation and Outcomes of PL Cares at the 2024 Ryan White Clinic
A WHT partner presented at the National Ryan White Conference 2024. They shared their experience with PL Cares and how it has improved viral load suppression at their site. Click an image below to see the presentation video or view the slides.
“WHT has worked with our partner organization to bring the PL Cares® program to their county for almost 4 years. This video is a wonderful overview of how this organization uses innovative mobile technology to improve case management and social support for their residents living with HIV. The presentation delves into the mechanics of implementing the PL Cares mobile technology platform, including how to organize internal support, how to engage and enroll patients, and how PL Cares has made a real difference for the county at the quality, adherence, and case management levels. We look forward to continuing our partnership for years to come!”